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EduTech (에듀테크)

[해외IT트렌드] 블루에이프런이 IPO에서 큰 호응을 얻지 못했다 [image] ※ 본 IT 트랜드 코너는 해외 IT트랜드를 짧게 요약하여 전달하는 코너입니다. 짧은 시간내에 다양한 IT소식을 접해 보세요^^ [Article Link] Blue Apron serves up lukewarm IPO(블루에이프런이 IPO에서 큰 호응을 얻지 못했다)[Article Keyword] [Article Summary] [VOCA]on-premise system to meet the different needs of clients. ; 온프레미스-전통적인 중앙 서버집중형 데이터 시스템 블록체인의 반대형이다. (출처: http://www.dt.co.kr/contents.html?article_no=2017012602102269041001)
Pink flower/Sky calligraphy 문득 뭔가를 그리고 싶어서 그려봤다.
[해외IT트렌드] 딥러닝: 빅데이터의 지성 [Steve Jurvetson-DEEP THOUGHTS] 00:00~20:00 1. There is nothing to be excited about bigdata until we have methology. Bigdata only makes sense because of machine deep learning. 2. Beyond Engineering: The greatest achievement of our technology may well be the creation of tools that allow us to go beyond engineering that allow us to create more than we can understand. 1. 구체적인 방법론 없이는 빅데이터는 흥미로울 것이 ..
[해외IT트렌드] 빅데이터 혁명 - PBS 다큐멘터리 Bigdata allows us to see something we have never seen before.We can predict what I would want. Bigdata is the solution which is the least expensive way to change the world.With Bigdata should make better future for all of us. 빅데이터는 이전에 우리가 볼수 없었던 것을 알수 있게 해준다.우리의 욕구를 예측할 수 있다.빅데이터는 세상을 바꿀 수 있는 가장 저렴한 방법이다.빅데이터는 우리 모두를 위한 미래를 위해 쓰여야 한다.
[해외IT트렌드] TED 빅데이터는 더 나은 데이터이다 Data has gone stock to flow, from something that is stationary and static to something that is fluid and dynamic. Machine Learning: insert the data to the computer and let computer find out what that is. Let computer play itself and collect data. Machine learning is at the basis of many of the things that we do online: search engines, Amazon's personalization algorithm, computer translation, voi..
[해외IT트렌드]_구글 어스가 모바일 환경을 위한 변화를 시도하다 [Article Link]Google Earth gets a mobile-friendly makeover (구글 어스가 모바일 환경을 위한 변화를 시도하다)[Article Summary]Google Earth unveiled new features on Tuesday that offer additional information and more interactive experiences. "Knowledge Cards" give more information, history and pictures of places people search for, while "I'm feeling lucky" suggests unique locations. Google Maps is sort of my personal a..
[해외IT트렌드] 페이스북이 마침내 가상현실 서비스 만들다 [Article Link]Facebook finally makes a virtual reality world (페이스북이 마침내 가상현실 서비스 만들다)[Article Summary]This year, the company announced new augmented reality features for your smartphone camera. Facebook is using its new camera tools to launch its own augmented reality platform instead of putting on goggles. It lets you spend time with people and gives "the essence that you're really there togeth..
[해외IT트렌드] 넷플릭스의 구독자가 1억명에 가까워지다 [Article Link]Netflix nears 100 million subscribers (넷플릭스의 구독자가 일억명에 가까워지다)[Article Summary]Netflix got just shy of 99 million users. That comes on the heels of Netflix's biggest quarter for new subscribers ever. "Our viewing is very large and growing, but nowhere near as big as YouTube," CEO Hastings said. Its continued subscriber growth follows a decision to launch in nearly every country in t..