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EduTech (에듀테크)/IT 뉴스

[해외IT트렌드] TED 빅데이터는 더 나은 데이터이다 Data has gone stock to flow, from something that is stationary and static to something that is fluid and dynamic. Machine Learning: insert the data to the computer and let computer find out what that is. Let computer play itself and collect data. Machine learning is at the basis of many of the things that we do online: search engines, Amazon's personalization algorithm, computer translation, voi..
[해외IT트렌드]_구글 어스가 모바일 환경을 위한 변화를 시도하다 [Article Link]Google Earth gets a mobile-friendly makeover (구글 어스가 모바일 환경을 위한 변화를 시도하다)[Article Summary]Google Earth unveiled new features on Tuesday that offer additional information and more interactive experiences. "Knowledge Cards" give more information, history and pictures of places people search for, while "I'm feeling lucky" suggests unique locations. Google Maps is sort of my personal a..
[해외IT트렌드] 페이스북이 마침내 가상현실 서비스 만들다 [Article Link]Facebook finally makes a virtual reality world (페이스북이 마침내 가상현실 서비스 만들다)[Article Summary]This year, the company announced new augmented reality features for your smartphone camera. Facebook is using its new camera tools to launch its own augmented reality platform instead of putting on goggles. It lets you spend time with people and gives "the essence that you're really there togeth..
[해외IT트렌드] 넷플릭스의 구독자가 1억명에 가까워지다 [Article Link]Netflix nears 100 million subscribers (넷플릭스의 구독자가 일억명에 가까워지다)[Article Summary]Netflix got just shy of 99 million users. That comes on the heels of Netflix's biggest quarter for new subscribers ever. "Our viewing is very large and growing, but nowhere near as big as YouTube," CEO Hastings said. Its continued subscriber growth follows a decision to launch in nearly every country in t..
[해외IT트렌드] 건강을 위한 새로운 의료기술 [Article Link]A Look at How New Tech is Giving Patients More Control Over Their Health (건강을 위한 새로운 의료기술)[Article Summary]Fully Integrated Online Platforms: They serve as a safe and secure place to consolidate all of your health records, bills, test results, and communications with doctors. And, when you give the platform permission, this information can be accessed from doctor’s office to doctor..
[해외IT트렌드] 컴퓨터로 인해 가능한 4가지 유용한 기술 [Article Link]4 Useful Technologies Made Possible by Computers (컴퓨터로 인해 가능한 4가지 유용한 기술)[Article Summary]Large, clunky, slow machines have been replaced with lightning fast, smart technology. As Napoleon Hill said, “whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” 1. Thunderbolt 3 is a high bandwidth technology that operates at 40Gb/second, as opposed to the USB 3 you’re used to..
[해외IT트렌드] 재택근무 초보자들을 위한 4가지 팁 [Article Link]4 Productivity Tips for First-Time Remote Workers (재택근무 초보자들을 위한 4가지 팁)[Article Summary] The biggest challenge that comes with remote working is distractions. You must have a plan. As the saying goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Keeping that in mind. 1. Create an Hourly Schedule 2. Find a Comfortable Workspace If you’re most comfortable in an office setting, design a l..
[해외IT트렌드] 앱과 HTML5 /반응성 디자인 비교대결:종류의 변화 [Article Link]Native Apps vs. HTML5/Responsive Design: A diversion of sorts (앱과 HTML5 비교대결/반응성 디자인 : 종류의 변화)[Article Summary]Recently I was asked whether it is better to develop a native app, iOS based, or does it make sense to use a mobile web application based on HTML5 and Responsive Design. As someone who is responsible for user experience and functionality, now I lean more toward native apps..