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EduTech (에듀테크)

[해외IT트렌드] 건강을 위한 새로운 의료기술 [Article Link]A Look at How New Tech is Giving Patients More Control Over Their Health (건강을 위한 새로운 의료기술)[Article Summary]Fully Integrated Online Platforms: They serve as a safe and secure place to consolidate all of your health records, bills, test results, and communications with doctors. And, when you give the platform permission, this information can be accessed from doctor’s office to doctor..
[해외IT트렌드] 컴퓨터로 인해 가능한 4가지 유용한 기술 [Article Link]4 Useful Technologies Made Possible by Computers (컴퓨터로 인해 가능한 4가지 유용한 기술)[Article Summary]Large, clunky, slow machines have been replaced with lightning fast, smart technology. As Napoleon Hill said, “whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” 1. Thunderbolt 3 is a high bandwidth technology that operates at 40Gb/second, as opposed to the USB 3 you’re used to..
[해외IT트렌드] 재택근무 초보자들을 위한 4가지 팁 [Article Link]4 Productivity Tips for First-Time Remote Workers (재택근무 초보자들을 위한 4가지 팁)[Article Summary] The biggest challenge that comes with remote working is distractions. You must have a plan. As the saying goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Keeping that in mind. 1. Create an Hourly Schedule 2. Find a Comfortable Workspace If you’re most comfortable in an office setting, design a l..
[해외IT트렌드] 앱과 HTML5 /반응성 디자인 비교대결:종류의 변화 [Article Link]Native Apps vs. HTML5/Responsive Design: A diversion of sorts (앱과 HTML5 비교대결/반응성 디자인 : 종류의 변화)[Article Summary]Recently I was asked whether it is better to develop a native app, iOS based, or does it make sense to use a mobile web application based on HTML5 and Responsive Design. As someone who is responsible for user experience and functionality, now I lean more toward native apps..
[해외IT트렌드] 왜 미디어 프로그래밍 소프트웨어가 사업에 도움이 되는가 [Article Link]Understanding Why Media Planning Software Makes Sense to Business (왜 미디어 프로그래밍 소프트웨어가 사업에 도움이 되는가)[Article Summary] Generic content in media and entertainment is no longer trend. Personalization has increased today. Media planning marketers need to understand the needs of the business and users. Media planning software is a popular platform to manage projects from start to finish. ..
[해외IT트렌드] Gboard를 더 사랑하게하는 한가지 상상이상의 기능 [Article Link]This One Unexpected Feature In Google Gboard Makes Me Love It Even More (Gboard를 더 사랑하게하는 한가지 상상이상의 기능)[Article Summary]Google's superior iOS keyboard that comes packed in with the Google app. Here are a few tips.To get the fastest possible text entry, though, you're going to have to swipe. Press and hold the period button next to the spacebar, and a hidden tray of punctuation, fro..
[해외IT트렌드] 통신사들이 AI시장에 뛰어들다 [Article Link]Telecom operators square off in AI (통신사들이 AI시장에 뛰어들다)[Article Summary]Telecom companies are setting up divisions dedicated for future businesses AI. SK Telecom recently established an AI business unit directly under the management of its CEO. SK Telecom released a voice-recognizing digital assistant service called NUGU. KT also established a new AI Tech Center. Its goal is to devel..
[해외IT트렌드] 삼성SDS가 블록체인 서비스 사업을 시작하다 [Article Link]Samsung SDS enters blockchain service business (삼성SDS가 블록체인 서비스 사업을 시작하다)[Article Summary]Samsung SDS launched its enterprise blockchain security platform Nexledger based on its blockchain security technology. A blockchain platform, or distributed ledger system, is a security technology that protects financial transactions from cyberattack. Based on the cloud network, the blockchai..